Getting the basics right can go a long way to setting your organisation on a successful co-operative journey. Have a look at our business basics courses below. And remember, all our courses can be facilitated live in-person, or online via Zoom.

Emotional intelligence

In this course participants will have the opportunity to develop their understanding of emotional intelligence and what this means to them. Participants will explore the key characteristics that form the foundations of emotional intelligence, and share examples of when they have demonstrated these characteristics in their work and life. Finally, the course will identify areas where emotional intelligence is important, focusing on specific areas relevant to teams and organisations. Participants can expect to develop their knowledge of emotional intelligence and related characteristics and attributes, whilst also developing skills through working and collaborating in a co-operative learning space. 

Creating safe cultures

In this course participants will explore how nurturing and maintaining a safe culture where people feel valued is key to the success of teams and organisations. Where conflicts arise, it’s important that these are managed through positive and respectful exchanges to seek solutions in the best interests of an organisation and its employees. Focusing on values, this course aims to help participants highlight different behaviours that may have a negative impact on the culture of organisations. Using practical examples, participants will identify how these can be addressed in a positive and empowering way. 

Leading and embedding change

In this course, participants will explore different approaches to change, examining how this is manifested and how to ensure that change is managed and communicated in such a way that it motivates and inspires positive action rather than resistance. Using the lens of co-operative values, it will examine how they can influence the way in which co-operatives approach change. Through a range of activities, participants will identify how to navigate challenges to create a transparent, positive, and inclusive approach to change where people feel invested in the outcomes. 

Meetings that work for all

In this workshop participants will develop skills and behaviours to make online and face-to-face meetings effective for everyone, whether they are leading or participating in the meeting. The workshop will take the format of interactive activities, enabling them to reflect, participate and assess what will work and why. Participants will create actionable ideas that can be implemented in future meetings to ensure they are equal and transformative for everyone.  

Effectively presenting your point of view

This workshop will help participants develop skills, knowledge and behaviours to effectively present their point of view, whilst listening to and respecting the points of view of others. The workshop will include interactive activities which will support a reflective process to explore effective and ineffective communication techniques. It will also provide the opportunity for participants to create their own actions to support their role. 

Demystifying accounts

This workshop aims to demystify financial reports and accounts, to support participants to review reports and identify appropriate issues and/or questions to raise in meetings. 

Understanding strategy: a co-operative approach

This workshop provides an introduction to strategy, exploring what it is, why it is important and how it relates to the application of co-operative values and principles.

If you'd like to book any of these courses for you or your organisation, or have any questions that you'd like to ask about the content, then our Learning Team are happy to help. Get in touch via the button below and we'll reply to your query ASAP.

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