Following on from the launch event of the Working Together report in Cardiff last month, key partners meet today in Manchester to discuss the next steps for combating precarious work.

The event

Targeted at co-operators, trade unionists, educators and practitioners who are exploring issues associated with the future of work, the gig economy and wider precariat issues, the event will look at relevant case studies and showcase examples of co-operative/ trade union collaboration that's already been established.

The aim of this event is to build on previous co-operative/trade union roundtables held in Manchester over the last three years and to explore how the recommendations from the report might become the basis for a joint trade union/ co-operative call for action.

The future

As joint authors of the Working Together report, our aspiration is that this roundtable agrees to develop a joint trade union/ co-operative working group, offering participants an opportunity to spend time together to develop solidarity solutions which fight for decent work and which challenge the ‘race to the bottom’.

Would you like to learn more? You can read about the Working Together report here as well as seeing further information about research work.