Projects Europe SUSY (SUstainable and Solidarity EconomY) The College has been an active partner in the SUSY project, which brings together 46 partners from 23 countries in Europe, as well as nine countries in the global south. Short for ‘SUstainable and SolidaritY Economy’ (SSE), this three-year international project promotes the important role played by co-operatives and the SSE in wealth creation, poverty alleviation, and promoting decent living and working conditions in both the global north and south. The SSE is designed to meet the needs of all people as citizens and rightsholders, rather than mere consumers or stakeholders, and the SUSY project is set to influence policy across Europe to create a favourable environment in which SSE enterprises can flourish. This exciting project has so far seen the creation of multiple resources to help educate people about the importance of the SSE and to spread the word through films, events, training, advocacy and fantastic speakers’ tours which saw visitors from all over the world exchanging knowledge and experiences with audiences across Europe. Manage Cookie Preferences