Our brand new "START: Co-operative Thinking, Co-operative Learning" module has passed its pilot phase, with exciting plans to roll out further in 2021.

With over 30 participants, December saw us wrap up six weeks of learning on the brand new module. We welcomed learners from all different walks of life and areas of the country in a way that only blended learning allows.

The co-operative approach to online learning 

The online delivery of news articles and research reports, audio visual media and interactive tools were interspersed with four live sessions. During these, people got to share ideas, questions and experiences, with learners invited to think through some of the big issues that impact how, when and with whom we learn.

Together, we explored how co-operative learning can be effective in this constantly shifting context, as well as how co-operative approaches to learning have the potential to provide creative responses to some of these challenges. In exchange for this free learning offer, all those who took part were asked for their thoughts and detailed feedback.

Next steps in the roll out

We now have a rich resource of recommendations and ideas for improvement that we are working on to refine and develop a stronger, even more inclusive version for the New Year. If you fancy challenging yourself to new thinking and unsettling old learning habits, we'll be sharing more information including sign up dates and prices in the New Year.

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