Today sees the release of our Centenary Conference highlights video, showcasing just some of the best bits from the flagship event of our centenary year.

Co-operation came home in 2019 as we held our Centenary Conference at Rochdale Town Hall. Regarded as the birthplace of the modern co-operative movement, Rochdale was the perfect setting for us to welcome delegates and speakers from across the globe.

Packed Programme

Andy Burnham speaking at our Centenary Conference

The three day event saw a host of keynotes addresses from a wide range of high profile figures including Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, Dr Ariel Guarco, President of the International Co-operative Alliance, and Ruth Ibegbuna, Director at Roots Programme and recently named as one of the top 25 most inspirational leaders in the charity sector by the Charity Times.

Ruth Ibegbuna speaking at Centenary Conference

The packed programme saw each day of the conference take on a different theme, with day one dedicated to youth and day two focused on co-operation around the world – a timely reminder of just how huge the global network of co-operatives really is and the transformational impact co-operation can have on communities right around the world.

Centenary Awards and Change at the Top

Centenary Award winner

Our conference also saw us announce the winners of our Centenary Awards and unveil our new Principal and Chief Executive. Dr Cilla Ross becomes the first woman in our history to hold the position, having been Vice Principal since 2015.

Take a look at the video below and re-live what was a fitting celebration to mark our 100th birthday!

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