Adult Education Mini Conference Announced A free online mini-conference focusing on the future of adult education is now open to bookings. Taking place on Wednesday 16 June and running from 2pm - 4:30pm, the event will feature key members of the Centenary Commission, who themselves produced a landmark report to mark the Centenary of the Ministry of Reconstruction's original publication As we emerge from the impacts of a global pandemic, it could be argued that adult education has never been more important, and yet there are great disagreements about its purpose and direction. A panel of leading adult educators, including some of the authors of the Centenary Report, will speak about these issues and invite participants to contribute their own perspectives. The mini-conference will explore what the role of adult education should be in a world that now looks drastically different. Conference Speakers Hosted by the WEA North East, keynote speakers will include: KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Dr Iain Jones - WEA Tutor Dr Sharon Clancy - University of Nottingham Dr Cilla Ross - Co-operative College. History and Background Early in 2018, a group of adult educators from a range of different institutions (including the College) recognised the historic importance of the 1919 Ministry of Reconstruction Adult Education Committee’s Final Report and set up the Adult Education 100 campaign with a view to marking its centenary. The 1919 Report had huge ambitions and highlighted adult education as being a significant tool for rebuilding society. The black and white image above is from a 1921 WEA summer school - one of the many events that followed the 1919 report. Again in 1945, an educated populace was seen as vital to national recovery from decades of economic turmoil and another world war. Book your place Details of how to book are available on the WEA North East website. Manage Cookie Preferences