The Co-operative College 2024 AGM will take place on Thursday 20 June, at 3pm.

It will be held online via Zoom to enable as many people as possible to attend.

Our AGM is a fantastic opportunity to hear our latest news and updates, as well as ask the questions that matter to you. You can read the draft minutes of last year's AGM here.

Agenda for 2024 AGM

  1. Approval of 2023 AGM minutes
  2. Chair’s report
  3. Accounts for 12-month period ending July 2023
  4. Strategic update
  5. What's next?
  6. Q&A session
  7. Trustee elections
  8. Close

Who can attend our AGM?

Anyone is welcome to attend and observe our AGM.

Who can vote at our AGM?

Only our members are able to vote at our AGM. If you're not already a member and would like to become a one, you can find out more here.

Who can ask questions at our AGM?

All attendees can ask questions at our AGM. However, as we have a limited amount of time, we're asking all attendees to submit questions in advance where possible. This will allow us to answer as many as we can in the time available.

Submit a question for the 2024 AGM

Get your free ticket

Registration for our AGM is free. Send us an email to [email protected], stating your name and member number (if you are a Co-operative College member), and we'll send you the joining link closer to the date of the AGM.

We look forward to seeing you on 20 June.